Someone: (screaming at the top of their lungs) honey came in and she caught me red handed creeping with the girl next door
by Brandyman July 14, 2017
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The retard who lives next door and rants and raves talking to himself, like a complete lunatc.
I had to listen to the ranting retard next door at about 4:30am this morning. I'd rather sleep.
by Pseudo Boogy Man September 11, 2008
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That one old lady next door that loves to talk and bake cookies. She i really sweet and will always offer you cake if you come by her house.
Person 1: Dude, the old lady next door is super nice.
Person 2: yeah, i totally wanna plow her wrinkly ass all the way to the moon.
by gayasswhale January 31, 2020
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some fat bitch who wears really short shorts and allows her giant muffin top to hang over them
That girl with the muffin top is like randi's next door neighbor
by Grapedrinkeesha March 29, 2010
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Well uhh, as one of the definitions already state that the typical Girl Next Door would differ from man to man, here's what you might find common....
1. Is from average to attractive but not ugly, still you always have a secret love for her
2. Is cute, shy and modest
3. Sees you as a brother
4. Will make you protect her at any cost
5. The love for her is innocent and not the desire type.....
I grew up without any girls nearby, I never had many connections with Girls, this definition is basically what is my idea of a Girl-Next-Door, through surviving in the society, reading Light Novels and Mangas and watching Animes, I came to this conclusion if the typical G-N-D
Yes, I know that I am a fricking weeb, I want a Girl Next Door to be my friend
by RandomGuyThatTalksShit December 16, 2020
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Literally means babysitting the neighbor's kids, but has also been used to mean, watching the cartoon, watching the teenagers next door copulate, and making out.
Peena wanted to hang out with her girlfriends, but she had to watch the kids next door.
by authOOr June 17, 2006
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The millenial edition of the girl next door. She is the new girl who moved in right after the girl next door got married and moved out to start a family. All-American at heart just like the former girl, the new girl is still single, wants to carry on the the former's traditional values and feminine charm but she's bombarded by a feminist culture that tries to align her with her career instead of her deepset desire to get married and have a family. Men admire her virtues but she has yet to find one worthy of her affections. Her family lives in another state so she makes friends with the local establishments--they become her family. Perhaps she's traveled to several countries, been in a strong hold career or has held many different odd jobs. She is an accomplished individual doing things she didn't know were possible but God gave her the strength to achieve the changes she wanted to see in the world and in herself.
Did you meet the new girl next door? She is just like the old one but she's totally renovated the house and seems to have gotten out into the world and experienced new things!
by whitney7forever March 6, 2017
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