I like to spank my "Monkey" all the time!
by JOJO July 9, 2003
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1. addiction, usually herion or anything that will cause withdrawal... or that you can't quit.

2. obssession or compulsion you can't get rid of.
I gotta monkey on my back.

Everyboydy's got something to hide, 'cept for me and my monkey.
by Mr. Sporades February 25, 2005
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there are three groupings of simians; new world monkies, old world monkies and apes. a monkey is a simian that is not an ape. prosimians (lemurs, etc.) are not monkies either.

example species of monkies: spider monkey, macaques, baboons, marmosets, etc

example species of non-monkies: humans, chimpanzees, gibbon, lemur, gorilla, orangutang. etc.
monkey: thanks popular culture for making people think that chimpanzees (and other apes) are monkies.
by Phil the Pill September 8, 2006
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Most badass animal. Best thing that ever happened. sex.

"Monkies pwn"

"I wish I had a Monkey!"

by Mr. Gibbons February 23, 2008
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A painful rash around the anus usually caused by a combination of heat , sweat and friction . Related to the dreaded batwing but usualy more severe in nature . Triple antibiotic ointment is the only known cure .
The pain of being triple sat 5 minutes before closing was only surpassed by my raging Monkey But .
by W.P. May 2, 2005
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Used in casino speak, especially by Asians. It means a 10 value card in Baccarat and Blackjack.
I'm up big after the dealer busted out after pulling that monkey on his 16.
by D Vegas July 20, 2004
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Verb. The act of ejaculating on your lover's face, followed by forcefully tugging their pubic hair and throwing the pubes onto the cum, whilst shouting, "Monkey!" (in homage to the 70s/80s Chinese show of the same name).
"Monkey!" as I throw your pubes on your cummy face.

Emma's been mokeyed so much she needs to wear a merkin
by pw_ninja September 4, 2009
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