another way of saying "ilove you" also could mean more of a friend love other than a relationship love.
boyfriend: "i lub joo!"
girlfriend: "i lub joo too"
by negativeoutlook August 28, 2005
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Sometimes used instead of "love" . Same as luv , lov , lav , wub , wob .
"I really lubs u ^^ ."
"I wub u!"
"Omg , he told me yesterday , i lubs u!"
by marek122 July 7, 2009
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Kind of like an Ump-a-lump-a.
That Chub-a-lub-a has Yak butt.
by Kevin August 5, 2004
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What you say if you really love jews.
mostly used by the r-tards on your short bus.
johnny: Yayyy i lub joos!
by calinigga April 19, 2007
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A redneck that has no clue about anything or life. Just a point less living being.
While driving through Polk County I saw tons of bub o lub bub's.
by StuntasticAudi September 20, 2006
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I Lub Joo Collin!
by Wes February 17, 2003
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when you are playing fortnite and instead of using bandages you shoot your rocket launcher into the ground killing yourself. Also tends
Me- hey man use some bandages
Friend- Great idea man
*blows self up with rocket launcher*
Me- Wow that was some Lub shit
by hello123412 March 22, 2018
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