A young Aussie with an abnormal sized dick and when he touches women he likes they straight away get an orgasm.
That guy is a kip, He always makes the girls squirt
by KPDVSSEMS2K17 February 18, 2017
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“Damn! Sally is dating a real Kip.”
by Mill WcCrory January 2, 2018
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Probably the worlds most sexiest person alive and is definitely going to the NHL. Get yourself a man like Kip, he is sexy and has fat stacks.
Kip is very handsome
by Kippitto December 30, 2017
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Girl 1: Dude have you seen Joe and Maggie? They're hanging out a ton lately! I mean I know they're friends and all, but that's an awful lot of time.
Girl 2: Oh they must kipping!
by zebeccinator5000 June 16, 2011
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nickname for a young guy that most likely drives a jeep wrangler, has a tribal tatoo, and wants to be a firefighter
" this party is full of Kips "
by jill January 31, 2005
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(n) Dweller of the pointed hill
(n) Nap (v) Sleep, slumber, log Z's, catch some Z's (be asleep)
(n) The basic unit of money in Laos
(n) Upstart (a gymnastic exercise performed starting from a position with the legs over the upper body and moving to an erect position by arching the back and swinging the legs out and down while forcing the chest upright)
(n) The untanned hide of a small or young animal, such as a calf. A set or bundle of such hides.
(n) The Kip is a dramatic aerial (or air step) commonly performed in Lindy hop swing routines. The follower performs a moving jump over and around the lead's back landing in approximately the same spot as where the move began. The Kip is also known as a Lindy Flip, Lamp Post or Around the Back.
"I roused him from his kip."
"Did you see that gymnast do that crazy kip?"
"Here's a stack of kips to keep you warm for the winter."
"The kip came down from the hill to buy some dry goods."
by bebend13 February 8, 2010
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The latest cool acronym for "Keep It Positive" or "Keepin' It Positive".

Sometimes used to refer to someone who is "Keepin' It Positive", especially in the workplace.

Also a subtle reference to Kip, Napoleon Dynamite's cage fighting brother.
Hey, RJ, you were a real KIP today. Way to go, bro!
by M. Ward August 26, 2005
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