1) {noun} A person (usually with self-esteem issues) who takes the lives of others
** see Murder

2){adj.} Something which is the height of cool, very stylish - ie. knocking them dead
1) That killer was sentanced to 10 years in solitary confinement while listening to Bob Dylan

2) Her outfit for the party was killer
by Moodalanga August 5, 2008
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A horribly overrated band that a whole bunch of trendy TRL fucks like because their songs have catchy beats. However, my three-year-old cousin could pen better lyrics than those assclowns.
Somebody told me
That you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year

What the fuck is that shit?
by I'm Effin` AWESOME. May 24, 2005
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1.one who takes a life away

2.one who ruins an amusing moment

3.a lamer version of something
1.gangsters,assassins is a killer

2.joe-...while she chokes,it squirts out her nose!(everyone laughs)
jeff-YAH i wanna see that happen, itll be sooo cool.(everyone frowns and walks away)that guy is the killer

3.ipod>zune nuff said
by DaPhenomousVirgo October 28, 2008
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An overrated, overplayed band that has only one album out--a fact that giddy girls seem to forget.
Giddy girl: "The Killers are the best band ever! I love their music! That one song is so awesome! Their so great!"

Person forced to listen to the above: "Um, sure."
by Nessa60 June 6, 2006
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the killers may be a talented band, but their style sucks. its lame as hell. the killers is pansy music. sorry, you little bitches.
the killers suck
Person 1: i luv the killers!!!!

Person 2: shut the fuck up!!!!!
by MetallilbangeR April 3, 2005
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A VASTLY overrated band, capitalizing on the recent Franz Ferdinand dance-rock craze (which is also vastly overrated) Music like this tends to be popular with musically retarded guys looking for "indie cred" and superficial girls trying to show that they are musically enlightened because they "like a weird new band I heard on MTV2". In actuality, they don't think it gets much better than shit like Ryan Cabrera and Maroon 5.
You can always tell who a Killers fan is by the fact that he or she can only name one Killers song (somebody told me)
by oscar wilde February 14, 2005
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A card game in which the object is to get rid of all your cards before everyone else.
rules of killer:

1) 3 of clubs starts the game off

2) the game proceeds in a clockwise rotation starting from whoever has the 3 of clubs

3) suits do matter and progress in alphabetical order (clubs are lowest then diamonds, then hearts and spades are highest)

4) whatever number of cards is thrown down stays that way until control of the hand is switched (ex if someone throws down the 3 of clubs and the next person has the other 3 3s they cant throw them all down they can either throw down one of those 3s or throw down a higher card)

5) 4 of a kind is referred to as a bomb and can be thrown down at any time this usually results in control of the hand being shifted to the person who threw the bomb unless someone has a higher bomb to throw

6) the 2 of spades is the highest individual card that can be thrown
person #1 "hey i want to play asshole"
person #2 "so do i but we got no booze and the packie is closed"
Person # 3 " i know! lets play killer!"
Person #1+2 "go kill yourself"
by themasteroftask December 10, 2009
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