2.also can be used to say something about someones appearence
1. Yo, its hot outside
2. Look that girl is soo hot
by Strawberriie December 24, 2017
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1. A desciptive word for matter when in a state more excited than usual. Touching a hot object generally gives a painful, stinging sensation.

2. Having great sexual attractivity.
1. The glowing hot sheet of aluminium burned my hand when I touched it.

2. The girl on the other side of the street was the hottest person I had ever laid my eyes upon.
by eszett March 9, 2003
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1. You are famous and a lot of people likes you
2. You are very warm
1. Aww, I see a hot guy over there!
2. I am so hot.
by KellyTheGamer98 April 7, 2017
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being very attractive and/or sexy,goodlooking,hansome,beautiful,

extream heat
yo that gurl is sooo hot i wanna get with her 2night
by T-Unit May 5, 2005
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when you pr someonelse finds you attractive. term may also be used when someone is sexually attracted to you
person1: damn! shelby is hot!!
person2: i know! look at that hot bod!
person1: shes hot.
person2: i wish i was as pretty as her.
by aissjdo April 17, 2007
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summer, sipping on mixed drinks, pretty, cook out, fire, music, band, dance, wet, party, mts, half naked, cute, love spread like peanut butter and jelly
It's hot by the mountains.
by europopian July 20, 2009
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You say when you think someone is not good looking or hot. Often used in situations where one does not want to have sex because the person is ugly. To make one run away and cry
1. One says Hey. You then reply with 'Not Hot' to make this person feel down and emo.

2. A couple are about to have sex. The male/female then says Not Hot to suggest they do not want to engage in erotic activities.
by WillTurnerMan November 3, 2009
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