if you're SHOT nine times and survive
one would have to become enlightend or go insane?
by fiftey cent July 15, 2003
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A definition used to describe something that is utterly awesome and requires a sick phrase to describe the coolness of it. Often used only by people who can fully comprehend the power of it.
- remember once said the effects can be epic
I met this girl at my new school and she's lez fiddy!
by Sezza lozza September 6, 2010
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Someone who kiddles with fids while watchin Hardcore Thomas the Tank vids on the box while eating some cheesy peas in a bowl.
by Phil Macrackin March 25, 2003
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excriment left on automobile suface after parking under tree
Hey sweetie park under that live oak i need some more tree fiddy to pay off AC
by De_DraaK March 21, 2005
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SEE: "bag o' fifties"

A paper sack wif a lotta money indit.
Grants ain't Benjamins; but, two-for-one, they spend the same.
JUNEY: "A BAG O' FIDDIES'd set me right and pay off my cards."
RODGA: "Who you shittin', son? You'd buy crack, and I hopes
you ain't sneakin' off to do it by yourself. What ?!"

"Don't you call me no ho. I wouldn't do you for a BAG O' FIDDIES!"

"What would Fifty Cent do wif a BAG O' FIDDIES?"
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a response to a question when you don't know the answer or you just want to be a smart ass .
jim: hey steve do you know how much the cover charge is at the club tonight ?
steve: bout tree fiddy

jim: hey steve where are you from ?
steve: bout tree fiddy
by Lookatdis July 15, 2010
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