Something that guys who watch Key Of Awesome do with Lauren Francesca comes on the screen.
I was watching Key of Awesome and Lauren Francesca came on the screen. I just needed to fap.
by peepeekl November 3, 2010
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Bro I’m finna Fap to some gnarly shit tonight!
by Trijata June 27, 2019
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The sound that one makes from masturbating, jerking off etc. Often repeated as "fap fap fap".
"fap fap fap. AHHHHH this feels good!!!"
by Christobal the Ripper June 26, 2009
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Damn dude, I fapped so hard in the shower this morning!
Water is kind of an anti-lube though.
by NoobSliceOwns February 26, 2009
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To masturbate furiously.

To verbally declare attraction to something.

A declaration of self-love chanted over and over by Genos.
by PAK CHOOIE UNF! May 10, 2003
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To stroke the penis and make vanilla icecream come out
Stop fapping to hentai you dirty bastard.
by Sinner_ April 30, 2008
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Verb - To "fap" or "fapping".

The act of loudly thumping one's flaccid penis against one's thigh to produce a loud slapping, or "fapping" noise. You can fap against other things, like someone's face or butt cheek, or if you get really good, the back of the hand that you're actually fapping with at the same time. Foreskinless people probably can't generate the same noise.

Also, there is the "Upward Aggressive Fap", which is literally what the name would suggest. Aggressively ping your dick up against your pubic region, causing impressive acoustics, red marks to body and knob, and a painful stinging sensation.
- Hey listen to this sick fap!
- I was doing the Upward Aggressive Fap and now my cock is all red and sensitive.
- Look we're fapping in sync!
- I fapped her cock holster so bad she had a cock holster period.
by WhatYaGonnaDo?! May 12, 2017
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