An Awesome Human Being Who Might Actually Have a Soul.

1. Casual Fangirl
A Girl who enjoyed the book/tv show/band/actor and knows much about the mentioned object. Normally spends about 4 hours a week about the obsession. Is a healthy fangirl who is save to approach.

2. Fangirl
Has begun reading fan fiction and visiting fan sites. Devotes more time to the object of their obsession (3 hours/day) May write/draw their own fan works. Now has gained possession of fan merchandise of their obsession. Is still safe to approach, cautious for words.

3. Ultimate Fangirl
Now devotes practically their whole life to dreaming/thinking/reading/watching/drawing anything related (even somewhat) of their obsession. May belong in a mental institute, but can possibly disguise themselves as a normal fangirl. Save to approach as an acquaintance, requires you to become a fangirl before they can associate themselves to you. Be very cautious, as they may kill if you insult their fandom or more specifically, ships/otps.
1. Oh, yeah, Sherlock is cool, and I mean, Benedict Cumberbatch is pretty hot....

2. Did you see the new season of Doctor Who? I really miss Matt Smith, he was so cute! Look! I have a bunch of things related to him! Isn't he adorable!!


Normal Person* They sound stupid together....
by CumberBitches January 25, 2015
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fangirling is in short the female equivalent of a "boner" the natural instinct that drives animals to breed. while talking about a "boner" is considered weird for obvious reasons fangirling is considered normal cute or at the very least annoying.
omg i totally fangirled when he took his shirt off. i started fangirling when he was singing.
by jerm200 July 6, 2016
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A bunch of hell-crazy girls who will glomp, tackle or try to almost kill their idol.
Can also be considered really evil.
The fangirl was arrested for nearly killing her idol by means of suffocation.
by Shiva Elf July 3, 2003
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Obnoxious female fanatics. These obsessive and insufferable bitches will latch onto something for superficial and often stupid reasons and, much like leeches, will kill it slowly until it is uncool. They are easily spotted by their over-zealous dedication for a subject of pop-culture, self-described "nerdiness" and stupid t-shirts. Current victims of fangirl audiences are shows such as Doctor Who, Sherlock and Supernatural but they will soon will draw their attention to Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead
Fangirls are what killed Doctor Who.
by So-Called Person July 19, 2013
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One who cannot live without screaming, crying, touching, dying for, stalking, obsessing over a celebrity in a certain vampire movie.
A female fan who annoys others with her over the top obsession.
To be overly and stupidly obsessed over a celebrity of British decent to the point of mental retardation.
To be overly obsessed with characters from a certain vampire saga/movie to the point of sending death threats.
To think celebrities actually stepped off the pages of books.

Her fangirlness annoys me.
Her screams were unlike any other fangirlness I have ever heard.
The fangirlness experience was overwhelming.
by Team Snazzy December 12, 2008
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Current occupying invaders of Quizilla, these monstrous creatures spam relentlessly, squandering bandwidth and making the site run slower than your granny on downers. Their weapon of choice is the crappy fanfic, typically written about a character or actor whom they only like because he's hot, even though he usually isn't.
The guppy rule should not be forgotten if you intend to post a Draco Malfoy quiz on Quizilla.
by El Fredo October 23, 2004
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