Every console has their fanboys. But none of them are nearly as annoying as PC fanboys, otherwise known as PC elitists.

Pc elitists...:

...are the biggest graphics whores. Their main argument for the superiority of the PC is that it has the best graphix ev4r! But that's only if you're willing to pay for the top of the line, latest and greatest GPU that can cost hundreds of dollars.

...think PC has the only worthwhile games, which 95% of them are FPSes, RTSes, and MMORPGs.

...believe all console games are designed for children. You know the "I only play M rated games because i'm so hardcore" stereotype? Yep, those are PC elitists.

...think controllers/gamepads are worthless and that you might as well be trying to control the game with your mind. KEYBOARD AND MOUSE 4EVUR!!1

...think games such as Super Mario Bros., Castlevania, Final Fantasy, Mega Man, Zelda, Donkey Kong Country, Sonic, Metroid, Resident Evil, Tekken, Gears of War, Parasite Eve, Metal Gear Solid and Grand Theft Auto are hopelessly primitive and outdated, don't have good graphics, and are for little kids.
Guy: What's your favorite NES game?
PC Elitist: LOL what is this? The Commodore 64 age? I only play PC games because i'm so grown up. Console games are for little kids who can't handle the 1337 PC.
Guy: What a faggot
by 5feet10witha10footdick November 7, 2012
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One who thinks the music and bands they listen to are best and anything else is completely crap to them.
Band elitists tend to put down others and their favorite music and bands. They try using technical terms or they use bad vocabulary to describe how bad the band or musician is.
Band elitists tend to go onto video websites and comment videos they think are crap with: "They Suck" or etc.
They cannot keep their opinion to themselves and must let other know that their music is not as good as their music.
Mr. X goes onto a video site and looks at a video that is very popular and has a high rating. Mr. X doesn't like this band, so he posts a comment saying: "This band sucks, they have no talent whatsoever."
Fans of this band reply to his comment and he just continues on putting the band down.
Some only view him as a retard, others will name him a band elitist
by Autumnmnmn December 30, 2009
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A douchebag who insists that any band you mention that is not Black Metal, Death Metal, Folk Metal or Power Metal, sucks ass and is not metal at all. They'll often bombard said band with immature insults such as: "They make me want to eat my own cock and vomit."
Bands they prefer are almost always obscure and come from Scandinavia. They hate all bands that are popular. The only Thrash Metal band that is tolerated by Metal Elitist is Iron Maiden. The rest isn't even metal.
Random guy: Hmm, favorite metal bands? Pantera, Fear Factory, Crobar...

Metal Elitist: Oh my god, your list sucks fucking bloody rectum. Shit isn't even metal. Weird Al Yankadick can make better metal than those bands. Besides, all that shit is pop-rock, you fucking twit! I'd rather have tumors in my scrotum and my gooch than to listen to Bell's crying again.
by Cheeto Dust January 6, 2017
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Gamers who's soul purpose is to harass innocent people who disagree with their platform. They see themselves as gods but everyone else sees them as a 400 pound nerd
That PC elitist called me a fag because I am playing Wii.
by SUMFURRYTHING October 11, 2016
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Dangerous individuals, they are maniacs and demented. Racist, elitist and insane. A virus like species capable of wide spread destruction and have a knack of causing world wide butthurt.

The PC itself is a religion among these people, a god like deity. The average PC Elitist will fight to the death to protect its mother, it's creator, it's god. The PC.

They are everywhere, watching your every movement, more dangerous than the delusional Wiitards, starting a war agaisnt the PC Elitist is ILL ADVISED. There have been many cases where the console class citizens have sold their PC's out of pure butthurt.

No-one knows where they came from but there are millions of them and they are spreading. They have the attributes of a virus and continue to spread, even to this very day. Some say they existed way before the dawn of man. Who knows? Maybe your a PC Elitist?
PC Elitist 1: All hail the mighty PC, grant us access into to a new world of paradise!

PC Elitist 2: Our mother PC will protect us from the lower class gaming citizens, the consoles!

Ps3 user: PC sucks, so does the Xbox and Wii, the cell will rage a holy war agaisnt your foul people!

Xbox user: Cell sucks, pc suck, Wii blows and Xbox has Halo! All hail Halo!

Elitist 1 and 2: Purge them! Wipe them from the face of the planet! Remove their foul stench from this universe! Destroy them!
by Club Blue January 3, 2011
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Someone who doesn't shut the fuck up about console gaming, even when asked to stop. Highly dangerous.
"My friend told won't stop talking about how the PS4 is better than XBOX, even when he KNOWS I'm a PC gamer. He's a Console Elitist and it's beginning to piss me off"
by Tumbleflop November 7, 2017
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YG Entertainment *
- A label company; talent agency in South Korea- which produces the best artists.

A forever fan of YG Entertainment.
Loves artists from YG Entertainment.
A person who thinks that YG artists are the best, which they are really the best. NO JOKE.
A family.
I'm proud to be a YG Elitist!
by doremihaha123 March 31, 2011
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