69 definitions by SUMFURRYTHING

A road in New Jersey with a lot of resteraunts and car accidents
by SUMFURRYTHING September 17, 2023
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When someone with really long finger nails wipes their ass and the shit gets under the nails
by SUMFURRYTHING November 12, 2021
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There's like 12,390,658 Michaels born a second.
by SUMFURRYTHING June 20, 2016
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A green plant that is shy. If you attemp to hug it you'll have tons of needles in you, they're extremely dangerous and overprotective of their water.
That cactus shanked me
by SUMFURRYTHING June 26, 2016
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A species of videos on YouTube, they are increasing at an alarming rate and can vary from top 5 to top 500. Although the most common is top 10. Some channels post 5 a day.
How the fuck does watch mojo do so many top 10 lists in one day, it's ridiculous
by SUMFURRYTHING June 20, 2016
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