In Indonesia, also used for people from Islam-related organizations (FPI, FUI, PKS) and their followers that is too easy to be fooled, too easy to believe their preacher/ulama. Even though what they say and do violated Islam rules, like rejecting to pray for dead body just because he/she voted for that religion blasphemy accused governor (Ahok) when alive.

In Indonesian, said as "kaum bumi datar". This term also comes from flat earth concept. Their preacher used to talk about flat earth in mosques over and over again before Jakarta governor vote campaign started.
Flat earthers are crazy. I used to think that rejecting dead body (to be managed) is just a joke, now it really happened to an old woman in Jakarta.
by fitsa hats March 30, 2017
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Flat earthers usually come from a place like Miami, Chicago, or Houston and think the rest of the world is like where they live.
Mike Pulaski is a single flat earther from Chicago who grills out every weekend.
by Solid Mantis April 27, 2017
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People who dont understand gravity.
Flat earthers: tHe eArTh iS fLaT!!!

Person with common sense: Then why are all the other planets round...
by Hoi_im_temmie123 July 3, 2020
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A smooth brain person who thinks they know more than scientist who devoted their lifetime and billions of dollars into research, just because they watch a Youtube video or read a Facebook article.
by PomuHub September 7, 2021
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Flat earthers commonly referred to as retarded morons are people who believe in that the earth is flat. They are also ignorant people who says that the goverment is lying to them and says we normal people who believe in true facts are the idiots even tho they never passed fifth grade and doesn't believe in science, logic, facts and importantly COMMON DAMN SENSE!
by Round earther March 27, 2018
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People who believe the Earth is not flat nor round. There are many parodies of the Flat Earth Society that make up shapes of the Earth that are unlikely to be true. But one of them probably is, and it starts with an S.

Taco Earther: Yo, those Dinosaur Earthers are really dumb.
Dinosaur Earther: Not as dumb as the Sandwich Earthers!
Sandwich Earther: Using my intellectual brain powers (IQ 1000) I know that Sandwich Earthers are the best Alternative Earthers.
by Sandwich Earth Society June 28, 2018
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