When an individual does not receive any comments or notifications on their facebook for a period of time after their birthday because everyone figures they've had enough wallposts and attention for awhile and because nobody has anything else to say that is considered relevant.
Friend posts on wall: Hey man how you've been?
Friend responds: Good man, but I know you're just commenting on my wall to get out of that post bday facebook drought you're in because you had a successful birthday wallpost count and no one wants to spoil you with more notifications!
by ooooooooaaaaaahhh January 12, 2011
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The sexual act of setting her pubes on fire then shoving it her ass and shouting “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore Toto
Dude last night we did the Kansas city drought and now I think I’m in love
by Allrightythennn January 24, 2023
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When a form of entertainment known for killing off characters, typically a television show, goes a long period of time without any character deaths.
by Dead character April 2, 2018
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When there is not enough mixtapes or songs for a long period of time
Yo breh were in a mixtape drought no one dropping any fire mixtapes
by WhipstarMari January 12, 2017
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when you haven't kissed anyone in a long time so you are experiencing a drought.
person 1 : omg did she just kiss...
person 2: she did her drought has ended
by lottagotta May 12, 2020
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