- Has some odd personality.

- odd interests
- can be themselves
by Anna jay March 27, 2017
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a cute, weird, and oddly enough attracted to you.
quit being a dork peach
by lil-p3ach135 December 27, 2018
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1.(n) a derogatory term of affection used to address a friend or acquaintance who you think is being silly.
Cassandra started to mumble frequently so she was given a Red Swingline stapler and put her in the room with the rest of the company dorks.

Being a dork is a qualification for the tri-delta sorority.
by Tom March 4, 2004
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A person capable of a full range of normal human social interaction but secretly harboring the desire to become a Dwarf and spend his/her life in the pursuit of the Dragon who stole his/her magical ale flaggon.
My roommates seemed totally normal until I came home from work early one day and caught them playing Dungeons & Dragons on the kitchen table. Who would have guessed they were DORKS?
by IRONSWORD1 November 24, 2004
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1. Someone who does silly things, but the things they do are usually stupid, funny, or cute.
2. A whale's penis.
Dork (11:11:11 PM): OMG!! its 111111!!!
Person (11:11:19 PM): Haha. You dork. :

I'm not going to make an example for this one...=b
by chyo name October 8, 2007
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A dork is someone who is looked down upon by the "cool crowd" when in reality the dorks are the real "cool crowd." Dorks are good people who are intelligent, witty, play video games Final Fantasy!, and they tend to be engineers.
Because I am an engineer major, I accept that I am a dork and I will be around dorks for the rest of my life.
by L-diddy May 14, 2004
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a blonde English chick who wears Tinkerbell undies and loves being wedgied.
Chrystal is a dork.
by Sirofthedorks June 23, 2020
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