An obnoxious, fucked up, moronic, munterish, tramp that has no originality and prides his/her self on copying others words and looks and failing miserably. Also has a shit load of fake designer stuff that he/she insists is real.
"dude, that bex, she copied my mates hair colour"
" dude, she is such a dildo"

"mate, look at him!"
"yeah he totally copied mike, expect mike's is real"
"omg man! he totally said it was real to me!"
"duh, hes a dildo."
by FxckedUpMentalWhore May 2, 2009
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One very lucky peice of plastic
dude1:man i never get any.
dude2:i know what your sayin man,sometimes i wish i was a dildo.
by basementdweller1 September 16, 2007
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A large falic object that a femail preferes to vigorusly ram into her vaginal area when a real penis is not avalibal at her disposal. She may even ask for another person to do it for her. Homosexual men prefer to ram this falic tool into their anus.
That is one big fucking dildo!!
by arse hole August 4, 2007
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An individual who does not have the competence to live in the real world; an annoyance; a tool
Jon is being a dildo today. God he can be a real bitch sometimes.
by Greek November 2, 2005
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since my mom is too fat to get laid, she uses a dildo to 'excite' herself which is kept under the bed
by dr. chazzy chaz February 29, 2004
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a fake penis, usually bigger than the real thing. Althought it is supposed to be a replica of a penis, anyway it vibes as no cock has ever done. It doesn't cum, doesn't enjoy being sucked and it's the only dick that can penetrate a female ass with no need of begging. Ann Summers' shop assistants have never tried a dildo.
(real dialogue held in London)
me: Hello, I'd like to buy a dildo for my g/f. Which one do you like best?
shop assistant: We sell a lot of these (she shows it to me)
me: well, is this the one you prefer?
she: no (she laughs)
me: so, which one do you use?
she: I don't use any
me: never tried any?
she: no
me: goodbye (and didn't buy any of them)
by paddy garcia January 25, 2008
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a sex toy that varies in size, shape, and color that can be used by the female to pleasure herself when she cannot get it from a person.
My dildo is hot pink and has 3 different settings!
by pimpette January 12, 2005
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