A defense mechanism that one uses in prevention of being raped. While the rapist tries to put in penis into someone's butthole, the victim simply shits themselves to push the penis out. The rapist cannot successfully put his penis in, while his victim is pushing shit out
Cop: "How did you prevent that man from raping you?"
Victim: "It's simple, I just used some self defeces and now his dick smells like shit"
by Kanye's penis December 16, 2017
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Defecalize (Verb)

"I gotta' go defecalize myself..."
by Quetzalcóatl's Ghost March 18, 2011
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Its what you breathe in when someone around you (or you) farts. Little feces particles floating in the air.
...im pretty sure that smell is us inhaling someones airborne defecation...
by llasfgiwhnb October 16, 2009
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When one does a shit and then wipes their ass and miraculously it's already pristine and clean.
Immaculate Defecation.
{shit} {crap} {butt} {defecate} {immaculate}
by slipkid69 February 1, 2018
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sometimes i get confused (especially while drinking!!) and a turd comes out of my mouth instead of my buttle (butt hole)!!!
my mouth got confused with my buttle, (butt hole) i had an oral defecation
by michael foolsley December 20, 2009
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An organization dedicated to protecting non-terrorists who find themselves on government shit-lists.
Now that I have unfairly been added to a gubmint shit-list, the only place I can look for help from is the Anti-Defecation League.
by maninboulder August 18, 2017
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Somebody who intentionally shits in the cistern (toliet tank).
You don't want to invite Tom to the kegger, because he is a habitual toliet tank defecator!
by Telephony January 4, 2011
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