A good example . . Dodge tomahawk , search for it on the web . . . Motorcycle capable of going 300+ MPH . . Fastest car is what 240 mph Mcclaren ? ?
Try to drag race ? ? ? Fuck drag race little white trash . . get on a motorcycle you fuckin pansy that's scared of falling off a crotch rocket . . . you think american cars are the shit , but realy crotch rockets rule the streets not fuckin fast and furious wanna be's so stfu biatch
by crochrocket April 5, 2003
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Dauer962 LM Sport would blow any you bitches away. 0-60 in 2.7 and top speed of 250. man your ass is grass
by some nigga September 24, 2003
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a bmx trick in which the rider, while in the air, puts both feet on the rear pegs to execute a "rocket air," but covers his/her crotch with both hands to perform the "crotch" part of the trick.
Did you see Joe crash doing a crotch rocket? Dude's balls must be hurtin' like crazy!
by probe joe April 9, 2004
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a machine that travels at unreal speeds of 200mph (mach 0.25) and is capable of cutting a pickup in half, ending multiple lives simultainiousely.
Susuki GSXR or,gixxer
Honda CBR
Yamaha R1
Kawasaki ZX-R
by OnyxO September 4, 2004
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When the reciever of oral sex queefs in your mouth while engaged in oral sex with a female or creature with a vaina.
Shit dude. I was eating out your mom and she crotch rocketed me!
by Justin Beeyatch July 12, 2006
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people who dont leave their name are too afraid of getting their ass kicked for talking shit about buicks.
And whats with this street legal /not street legal bullshit.
You sound like my grandpa worrying about piddly ass shit laws.
dont you know that cops always go after hot dog bikers first anyway
Hell i drove my car for six months with no muffler or exhaust pipe and the cops never stopped me and dont try to tell me i burned my exhaust valves and sound like you never made it past 5th grade
this cop was chasin me on my crotch rocket and i turned a corner and slipped on some sand and fell and the cop car ran my prep ass over!
Damn am i ever a sperm burpin slarfer
by Anonymous April 9, 2003
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Teacher: "Why did Suzie just get up and leave class?"

Linda: "She went to go change her crotch rocket."
by MemphisButtler May 30, 2008
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