Cropped out, cropped me or crop me, is defined as a term when someone decided to cut you off, reject your call, leave without much notice.
"Great so your leaving just like that?? Don't crop me out"
"Thanks for not coming back to me, properly feel cropped out"
by #GPR January 31, 2019
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A person who does a fart (usually silent) in an area and then leaves, thereby leaving the smell for others to savour.
That guy is a mean cropduster.

He was the worst cropduster that I've ever met.
by stub004 July 6, 2004
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To emerge or occur incidentally or unexpectedly
The word crop has several meanings. As a noun it is a swelling on the body, or any rounded or swollen item, for example a bird's gullet, the seed head of a ripe plant or the the rear end of a horse. As a verb it means 'to cut the top or sides off' or 'to gather in' (as in cereal crops). A less well-known meaning is 'to protrude from the earth's surface'.

The context of early printed examples of the term 'crop up' doesn't help us decipher whether that 'crop' is an allusion to the growth of crops or to the 'swollen' meaning. That is because the things that were first said to have 'cropped up' were rounded items which protruded from the ground, i.e. rocks.

"Grey-wacke, and slaty limestone, conformably stratified, crop up above the ocean in the Booming isles to the north."
by wallyelsissy October 13, 2008
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When you're tired of someone being in your life so you just crop them out like P. Diddy did the Jenner Sisters at a Gala.
Jessica: Oh My God, why is Sarah acting like this, she's ruining my life!
Olivia: I Don't Know, why don't you just Diddy Crop her.
by WhyDoINeedThisTho May 10, 2017
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When you crop someone out of a picture so smoothly that people don't even realise that it was a crop, just like how P Diddy cropped out the Kardashians from all his pictures.
Juicy: Saw that pic from last night, I see you with the Diddy Crop
Jayden: Man, they weren't even invited so why be in the pic?
by JuicyBaybey May 8, 2017
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the shit i get judged in
friend 1: bro did u see her wear a crop top
friend 2: bro her belly button finna make me act up
by sierraig July 19, 2021
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