couch - an offensive term used to diminish someones social standing. Inferring that the person in question enjoys anus on his/her face.

A amicable term in some social spheres.
Bro: yo dude do you have my dolla?
Dude: nah brah spent it on da high grade mon
Bro: damn it ,you couch.
Dude: WTF that body part is primarily for excretion, don't defame my reputable character.
by Udcontributor April 30, 2014
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to recline for hours on end on a
futon-like surface
Hey matt I think we should totally couch it while watching weeds.
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i was couched...
couching someone means when a couple fight and live together, one, usually the male, gets kicked out of the bedroom and goes and sleeps on the couch, meaning he just got couched...

being in the doghouse...
Guy1: I just had a big fight with my girl...

Guy2: So have you been couched??

Guy1: Yup...
by blthrskt April 26, 2009
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The Couch is the thing, me and ribbs and dan(my brothers mate) sat on while waiting for the train to come at dunmore station.The train took 3 hours to come so me, dan and ribbs went for a walk and found this couch in this room with nothing else in there so we all sat on it and didnt tell the other 3 cunts that were with us cause it was too comfortable.
Dan:Fuck this couch is so comfortable man.
Ribbs:I rekon, should i tell the others.
Tommo:Na fuck that shit its to good man lets just sit here and enjoy it.
Ribbs and Dan:hmmmmm yeahhhhhh
by Darren Thomson May 10, 2005
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A new form of dancing, consisting of enough guys sitting on a couch, making them very close to each other, while a girl is taken (or forced) to the couch and laid across the guys. The guys move up and down with the beat of the music in almost a "hump" like action. More than one girl can be couching if desired, or if the couch is large enough.
The ladies at the party loved couching with the guys.
by GTPaqman October 26, 2009
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The act of being all that is vile, corrupt, vulgar, ugly, worthless, revolting, scuzzy, sickening, sleazy, sinful, filthy, horrid, nasty, nauseating. This is the worst kind of filth. Sometimes used as an insult, this describes the person sort of like you would describe a turd that has been soaking in cow urine along with 20,000 dead camel carcasses for 3 years, and is now infected with every disease known to man.
She is appalling. She is evil. She's filthy, foul, horrible, raunchy, miserable, nefarious.... no no..Brittney is a COUCH! *Gasp*
by Contagiousdizzle September 22, 2005
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(location) Couches, a field with couches in it hidden from the road/removed from generally visibility. The perfect spot to smoke a bowl. Can also be a forested area, or anywhere outdoors. Usually transitory cause fuckers steal the couches or move them somewhere else.
Dude, where we going to smoke this shit?

The middle school again?

Fuck it, they have security cameras now. Let's go to couches.
by stonahsarah October 8, 2008
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