Shoes that have become very fashionable that come in a variety of colours and some patterns. My mum says that she wore them in Ireland in the 60's and 70's because they were the cheapest trainers and the most widely available. Obviously they have become much more fashionable for teenagers and much more expensive.
by _anonymous_ April 11, 2006
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Shoes that have become overly-trendy. Now from these shoes being cool many preps have started to wear them. I bought all black Converse thinking they were cool then I go to school and see every other prep wearing the same thing (but in a different color).
Me: I'm totally bummed that I bought these Converse...
Friend: Why, they look awesome?
Me: Well the preps think they look awesome too.
Both: *look over and see's the preps goggling over Oliva's new Converse
Friend: Yeah, I see it. Shit I got a pair too.
Me: Let's go get some Docs
Friend: Yeah, after school let' go
by A Person1234455679653 August 28, 2011
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a word to describe a woman who by nature is easy to converse with and who's top comes off with ease (like a convertible automobile).
That girl at the party last night was conversible.


"Man, I was chillin' with Amanda last night and DAMN she is conversible"
by Spider Disco April 6, 2010
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there is no such word
there is no such word as conversate
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A word used by backwards, ignorant, illiterate inner city trash who mean to say 'converse'.
"Yo, I just needs to conversate witcha!"

To which I replied, "No, you need to _converse_ with me, you dumb shit-eating fuckhead!"
by The Drizzle January 24, 2005
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the act of hooking up with one.....ususally in a sexual fasion
1.Man did i get some good convertation last night.
2."Leave us alone we're having a deep conversation
by alexandriamarie April 10, 2006
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Simply put, conversation is making out. Typically follows a talk talk and is delicious in most cases.
Dan: So what were you guys doing?
Dave: Me and Jaime had a conversation in the back of my truck.
Dan: A conversation?
Dave: we weren't making out!
by tpkirk2k September 3, 2006
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