Some of the coldest places include:
And the coldest of all:
Margaret Thatcher's heart.
by communard420 April 6, 2011
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means someone is cool. it's like saying someone/thing is cool.
Hey man that new guitar is colded
by Charmaine Maine June 14, 2011
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adj. Part of a misguided attempt by Canadians to make freezing winter days seem elegantly desirable, somehow sophisticated, or perhaps "precious".
Lovely colde fronte blasting across the barren wasteland today my good man! Makes the olde blood coagulate. Eh what!

I can't hear you! My ears froze off two kilometers ago.
by gnostic1 December 3, 2010
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When someone is too nervous to say someone is cute or hot they saynot cold
Man do you see that Joanne over there... damn she is not cold.

That Lucas over there is so not cold.
by SpicyFrostyElf July 20, 2018
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Coldness is to be cold, cooler word for cold. (Pun intended)
by Frosty_is_cooler_than_you January 6, 2022
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1. He stared at her with a cold look, no emotion on his face.
by MrFazbear04 February 24, 2019
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