A beard in which the only bare portion of skin is that of the chin. Intimidating beyond all belief, especially when coupled with reading glasses.

The name is derived from the period in which the style of beard thrived most, the civil war.

Those who wear the Civil War as their facial hair style of choice are 93% more likely to murder and/or speak in colonial English.
"Man, that is an awesome beard."

"Its actually The Civil War, ass wipe. Note the connecting mustache but lack of chin hair."

"Sorry! Thats an awesome Civil War!"

"Time to die!"

by MarcLittle December 11, 2008
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Civil Media is a form of media platform engineered for kind & civil conversation plus tools to help people cooperate to solve local, national, and global problems.
On civil media I finally feel like I can be myself without the fear of being pounced upon plus work with others to solve real-world problems.
by Urthling May 11, 2022
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builders of everyything big and useful, mostly dislexic, counts as far as 4 as bigger numbers can be ignored, drink a lot, responsible for the future of your roads, railyways, tunnels and bridges. There's something to think about when you travel outside.
engineer 1. This looks a bit iffy.
engineer 2. yeah, but nevermind it'll do.
engineer 1. you're right let's go for a pint.
engineer 2. good idea, just remember not to drive over this bridge.
by jason April 13, 2004
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While some people think gays should settle for civil unions, others think they should have the right to marrige.
by Jake February 10, 2005
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1. A war in the United States in where the Northern states fought against the Southern states. The bloodiest war in U.S. History.
2. A war in which America found out that it was so bad, that it had to kick its own ass.
3. A feud between family or family members.
3. He and his mom are going through civil war.
by Soup May 21, 2004
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A conflict where members of the same nation or theoretical national entity kill each other in a large scale, organized matter, usually for reasons that will continue to be extremely important to both sides for reasons that make no freaking sense to any countrymen who's ancestors did not participate.

More often then not, both sides' descendants will take every chance possible to bring it up just to cause further bad feelings. The various factors that lead to such madness will usually be reduced to a one sentence statement by both sides' descendants.
Jim: The Civil War was about slavery. Tom: No, it was about the economic burned imposed upon the south. Isaac: Whatever. You easterners just killed a bunch of people then made up a reason later.

by Das Jedi January 20, 2008
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A event which occurred on February 45th in which the Ninjas defeated the Myths on a quest of who could get the most victory royales.
“Hey dude do you know who won the Civil War?!”
“Yeah the Ninjas, they had so many clean head shots!”
by Maxwell abudalas December 4, 2018
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