A blonde slag with huge earrings and likes to lick lots of pussy. Resembles Pat Butcher off Eastenders
That Pat Butcher always has her legs open!
by TashaRose October 16, 2009
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the blood soaked rag known as the union jack.
they used to fly the butcher's apron on Scottish courts till Siol nan gaidheal got it sorted and now they fly the Saltire!
by pax681 October 19, 2006
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A fat, meaty vagina. Hallmarked by a floppy, dangly labia. But it’s still some prime, grade A trim.
She pulled her panties to the side and showed me her butcher’s cut.

I went down and ate her butcher’s cut.

She had a hairless butcher’s cut. That was some prime eating last night.
by Eaton Holgoode January 27, 2018
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Someone that is so obnoxious they convince you that their sole purpose is to test your morality.
Steven: What the fuck is that shitwad babbling about over there?

Sean: He was talking about how much of a shame it was that Bush couldn't run for a third term.

Steven: That asshat is butcher-bait for sure.
by Chaddy80 December 11, 2008
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A amazing girl that is always happy and will love anything that has a face on it.She is so sweet and kind to everyone.she says hello to strangers to try to make there day go from a 10 to a 100.She is beautiful in her own way .She loves animals and loves to help them.-Chloe horsley jayde, jasmine,savannah, and danicas bff i love you guys if you see this.
jasmine butcher danica haithcock
Did you hear Jayde Butcher saved a bird from geting hit and risked her life for the poor creature to be safe.
by Chloe _starhorsley November 13, 2018
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A butcher who likes his meat delivered in the back door
Rex: “Derek in the corner shop is a dodgy butcher
Shayne: “Hey?”
Rex: “Derek is fond of the old dick.”
by Fcfsby January 28, 2022
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