The act of purposely getting oneself sick to lose weight.
John was sick for days, throwing up five times a night. In an act of viral bulimia, Claire told John to kiss her so she could lose some weight over the next week.
by The Synonymous Anonymous November 26, 2015
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When food is so dirty, so greasy, so indigestion-inducing, that most of it along with the calories its loaded with, goes right through your system undigested. Mathematically related to its close cousin in economic theory, Giffen goods.
"Girlfriend, I can straight up eat buckets of KFC for and not pack on any pounds. That dirty bird flies right through me without making any stops until it gets to its porcelain watering hole. For real. It's like I got anal bulimia."
by Ballzinyerface November 20, 2018
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Over indulgence in sexual acts (especially oral) to the point of purging...
After indulging in a 3 hour oral sex fest i felt nauseous and threw up. I was diagnosed with sexual bulimia.
by witty from seattle May 29, 2016
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the uncontrollable urge to regurgitate upon reading negative, disgusting headlines in the news.
" read about the Lord of the Flies behavior in Kabul.....Headline Bulimia hit me..."
by watapama September 3, 2009
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Last week I had total Cerebral Bulimia prepping for that US Government final.
by pdxdougg September 20, 2010
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Excessive, reckless, self-centered use of sexual behavior that "doesn't count" because one or both partners are under the influence of drugs, alcohol or meglomania. The "disorder" often targets the spouses/partners of friends. Guilt, self-loathing and further promiscuity is the result...thus an endless cycle ensues.Merry-Go-Pound
Anne's Sexual Bulimia has resulted in the destruction of all significant relationships. Her fear of being alone and invisible leads to Fear-fucking as a feeble attempt to acquire a new social circle, this becomes a Merry-Go-Pound
by Cyn March 18, 2004
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The act of getting fucked up every night to the point of uncontrollable vomiting as an extreme weight loss method.

"Damn, Gina got really skinny ever since she joined Pi social bulimia"

by bitchwithabrain March 14, 2009
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