This word has versatile use, when a tune or something going on is totally brutal or when a situation is sucky or not fun
"dude, this tune is a BRUTE JAM" (basically, it sucks)


If you have to do something you don't want to do, like clean the bathroom, you can say:
"dude,I have to clean the bathroom" and your friend will say:
"BRUTE JAMS bathroom cleaning-wise!"
by Daniella February 7, 2004
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when you give someone total brutal honesty. or when you ask a friend to give it to you real. its the real deal Holyfield.
girl! are these shorts too short for my date tonight, give me the totes brutes.
by kaddy pies June 15, 2019
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a drunken urination where one loses all control and aim and pisses all over the immediate vicinity.
1. yo bro, i totally just brute pissed in the mcdicks' bathroom

2. dude im so wasted i'm gonna be brute pissing all night
by overtheinfluence October 9, 2010
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1.the 1337357 weapon in Halo 2.
2.a powerful cum shot that could knock someone back
1. Dude, you just got pwned by the Brute Shot.
2. I brute shot all over this girls face last night.
by Hilikus July 8, 2005
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A method of installing components to something (PC hardware in PC, Woodworking etc). When it should blatantly just slot in but dosnt, so force is used
DudeA: This CDROM Drie wont go in, man
DudeB: Brute force it dude
DudeA: Sweet..its in!
by Andy Woodhead December 25, 2005
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The result of releasing all of one's power, unexpectedly, at the height of applied force.
A Brute Force Overshoot is what happens when you apply all of your might to opening a bag of chips only to fling them all over the kitchen, or when you bang your knuckles as the wrench suddenly comes off of that pesky rusted nut, sending your hand uncontrollably forward.
by Raul Kemp January 3, 2012
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And you, Brutus? It's what Julius Ceasar asked his boy Brutus before he was killed by Brutus.
Jules: Hey senator why you looking at me with them crazy eyes?

Senator: you have grown to powerful Ceasar!

Jules: veritas? Et tu brute?

Brutus: sorry B you gots ta go!
by Needweed October 30, 2015
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