Moving to the front of a lane of traffic that is merging in an attempt to bypass the normal merge and get ahead of several cars.
Tighten up! Don’t let him over! He’s trying to Bogart his way in!

Look at that semi-truck blocking both lanes to stop people from Bogarting!
by Sarsipius July 22, 2018
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One who thinks they are god's gift to earth, but is really a creepy, goofy, loser who still lives in their moms basement. Must be 30 or older. Famous bogart: Frank "Maresca" the Entertainer. A bogart is an all around failure at life.
Look at that bogart trying to hit on that girl. Did you know he brought his mom on this cruise?
by DanMar & J. Smalls February 19, 2010
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1.An act of stinginess, selfishness. To hog. To horde. Taking the last cookie.
2. The name of your uncle Benstein's overweight bulldog
3. One who carries the possible intentions of being a narc
Yo bro, don't be bogartin' all the brew, yo!
hey your fat ass girl is bogarting all the guac!
by Charles Passow April 15, 2006
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to take, or hog an item such as beer
by Mark Thompson June 7, 2003
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To consume excessively
Hey, stop bogartin' the pizza ya pig
by Rob D. September 28, 2003
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verb - to take more than one's fair share. Possible drug culture origin (see useage example). Obvious but unexplained connection to actor Humphrey Bogart.
Dude, don't bogart that joint!
by secretdonkey June 20, 2003
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A name for a person who is afraid to ask out his bestfriend girl.
He is such a bogart for not asking Hayley out.
by Dinosaur27 May 22, 2017
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