sucking a man's penis or (cock) also know as a bj for short it's done in a simple way use tongue to move around cock and it's done with a female on her knees
guy: give me a blowjob's
babe: mm that cock looks so good
by tana😜💦 March 12, 2020
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The best time of any man's life and a woman's! It involves the sucking on of the prnis until the man ejaculates, and women get to choose how they blowjob their man!
Give me a blowjob, it'll be fun!
by Blowjobs R Awesome November 25, 2016
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Where a woman or man sucks a man’s dick until they make them cum
Dude 1: Hey dude!
Dude 2: What?
Dude 1: I got a blowjob last night!
by kaidenluates. June 18, 2019
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An act of awesomeness. Something when performed right, can make any man, straight that is, fall in lvoe with the woman for which he has chosen for a parter. To gve blowjob is not to jsut suck a penis. But to caress with with nothing but your wet, slippery mouth. To make a man not ejaculate, but to reach montary heaven when he spits his lvoe jucices into your mouth. A real blowjob has many aspects, including, the twist, deep thoat, and to soflty play with his balls. To stop for anything even so much as a breath would be unorthadox, so dont stop untill the pearly gates of heaven is last seen sliding down your throat.
"Damn she gave me such a good blowjob im still cumming in my pants"

"Yo, that new girl, i hear she gives good blowjobs, i heard u don't see the tip of your dick for a week"
by dude its steve January 24, 2004
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The distinction given to a female who you might not want to kiss, but would receive a blow job from.
Shes a horse man!

I don't know, she seems blowjobable
by Nopes April 6, 2011
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