Small (about 2 inches long), remote-controlled cars originating from Japan. Original brand of micro rc was Bit Char-G, also known in America as Microsizers. Very fun to play with at work, because they are so easy to hide.
Our boss is coming, hide the bit!
by Tice July 18, 2004
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a shortened combination of big tits.
Kara:"You'd like my friend she's nice and has a lot of common interests with you."
Mike:"That's cool, but does she have bits?"
Mike:"Well then why haven't met her yet?!"
by moonlight13 October 16, 2010
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Another version of the word "Bitch". Used by females to sound cute, when really they're just calling you a bitch. However, it can be used in a joking manner, just as with the full word.
"Your sister's lucky she's pretty, b/c she's a bit."

"Shut up, ya bit!"
by ImmaBit September 24, 2009
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black imtimidation tactics, black people using their body features to imtimidate others
Weston{black}-standing tall with chest out BACK UP just BACK UP!
Terry{white}- done use those BIT's on me
by lint licker May 11, 2008
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The type of processor that a program is compiled for. 32bit, 64bit, 128bit etc.
If the bitness of your program doesn't match the processor it will run slower than expected.
by vision_ep July 12, 2016
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Used in Lucan Co.Dublin to explain when something is bad or otherwise shit
This weed is bit

Aw bit I forgot me book

You are bit
by Mr.Coolman5 November 5, 2009
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abbreviation for Bitch in Training; preteen or teenage person with too much attitude
omg Ty your lil sis is such a bit!
by lotuspanda March 15, 2008
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