Otherwise known as 'Balls Out'

Description of a person, with little regard for safety or outcome, entering into a situation with gusto, in which they are generally seen as the underdog.
Kevin - ' Mr Chambers is chatting up that fat lass looking to score with her, she looks like she could beat the shit out of him to be honest'

Craig ' Well he's been rejected by 12 other girls tonight, you have to give him his dues, he's going baws oot with this one'
by Chabbs October 7, 2011
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A Scottish word for the cylindrical cupping of wrinkly skin, that houses the male sex seeds. Often referred to as the Testicles, or scrotum.
Come on my son! Strap on a "baw sack" and ask that girl on a date!
by Jimmy! August 17, 2006
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A term from Scotland. An idiot talking rubbish. Baws-testicles.
"Shut it Baw Jaws", "Away you n' boil yer heed baw jaws"
by Andy Gardner July 1, 2007
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A noun used as an ironic insult, integrating male and female organs.
"You're a right Cunty-Baws"
by Plumb & Begg June 3, 2004
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A bawheed is some who constantly inflicts irratation or unpleasantness. A person who is unliked by many.
JC stole my book, he is a baw heed.
by pepi April 25, 2006
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Scottish slang. Someone who over-uses steroids, thus shrinking their testicles to the size of a peanut. Could also be used as a put down. (see example)

Man 1: Excuse me, could you be so kind as to help me with my shopping?

Man 2: Fuck off peanut baws!
by Matt/Deano August 18, 2006
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