-A description of somthing that is rediculously cool.
-A way of explaining the awesomeness of a certain subject/object.
Buddy: "Man that public speaker was alright I guess."

You: "Dude that girl was straight basil!"
by DaBri and the ComebackKid December 26, 2007
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Auctioning site used to auction and trade virtual items of popular mmorpg "Maplestory", created by Bogdan Raczynski under the alias Mr.Basil. Basilmarket is known for it's "chat section" which is filled with racists, attention whores, aznseals and 4chan memes. But in the deep pile of shit, is much funny and interesting subjects.
Innocent guy:Hey let's go to basil market.
Aznseal: So i herd u liek mudkipz.
Paulpker121: Paulpker121 does not liek mudkipz.
Anselm:C-C-C-C-Combo breaker!
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To do something really stoopid when drunk, usually involving personal injury, humiliation, or a night in the cells.
he pulled a basil when thinking he could drive after several bottles of wine, smashed into local cop shop
by ben cullen February 12, 2005
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Fox puppet which became a household name after the Basil Brush Show was launched in the late 60s. Famous for his trademark laugh, which is probably one of the most irritating sounds known to man.
The show has recently returned, but with a new puppet and voice.

The new Basil is infinitely more fat and camp.
"Basil Brush. He goes 'HA HA HA BOOM BOOM.'"

"Basil Brush? Who the fox hat?"
by Kelly December 30, 2005
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David basil is a accomplished piano player famous for the meme "we tried but we can't fix it". David basil requires a in depth knowledge of pianoforte tuning skills when he smashed the piano into a trampoline.
Hey he's pulling a David basil on us catch him
by Oldie book April 4, 2017
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