"They are off smoking the bad" "I'm going to inject some of the bad"
by Samitch September 10, 2003
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It's not despair, but not that good either. Lacking enthusiasm.
My life is not bad, however it's not as good as I had hoped it would be.
by riverboat October 3, 2012
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Usually a thin brownskin/light skin girl with long REAL hair , fat ass, and a personality out of this world. She is a people person but not a how. She trys to act like she's not interested only to leave you wanting her more.
"Aye you see her over there?"

"He'll yea , she's bad af"
by Babbbbbyc March 29, 2017
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The emoji movie is the worst thing in the history of anything. It's so bad, I want to die.
by The Emoji Movie Sucks. June 26, 2017
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When people think of bad, they think of me.
by Me’s Satan March 31, 2021
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A term used to describe something really good, the opposite of peak (really bad)
That goal was badness mate
by Rio32LUFC March 5, 2019
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the circumstances are such where something cannot take place due to something coming up
Yo, is Ryan still throwin down on Firday?
Nah, man, he says it's bad for it.
by dummyfar October 26, 2018
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