Ok how do you NOT know what bacon is?

Lord ur missing out.
Mom : Sarah! We’re having bacon and eggs for breakfest!
Sarah : #$&@ save some for me!
by Acilitate January 16, 2018
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(1)Getting burned bad in any video game
(2)Getting fried to a crisp in Warhawk with a Flamethrower while you are still lying there.
I really Baconized that guy.
by Millenneus February 6, 2008
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A person who makes a half-arsed attempt to do something on behalf of an fellow colleague, but royally screws it up making more work for everyone. Usually accompanied by extreme denial and teflon coated sloping shoulders.
a: "Gary, did you sort out that kidney transplant for tomorrow?"
g: "Nah, but I managed to win a game on Fifa, hows the dialysis going?"
a: "I'm going to die, you've Baconed me!!"
by FormerSmurf October 3, 2014
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This a non-food word; refers to your current high state. Used to described how high / stoned you really are.
I'm soo baconed right now." "Lets get baconed." "That blunt got be baconed." "'Tryin to blaze?, 'No, I'm chill; already baconed.'
by bay650area May 23, 2011
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the police
other slang: pigs, fuzz
Blue: What you need, homey?
Jake: Crack. about 20 bucks worth.
Blue: Crack?! Smells like bacon in this muthafucka! What I look like, a sucka to you, nigga? Fuck you, rookie.
by J-Dizzlex November 28, 2004
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Used for a very attractive female, To point out a Very attractive female to the people around you without arousing the suspicion of said female.
Other variations include: Macon-Mom bacon, Facon-Chubby bacon (Nothing wrong with a bigger female)
*Female enters bus and sits next to you and friends* "Dude i totally want some bacon right now" *Friends get the hint and take a look* "Yeah bacon sounds good right now"
by LCook6 October 8, 2011
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