1. To deliberately destroy someone’s good reputation by exaggerating their flaws, spreading negative falsehoods, and/or manipulating facts.

2. (In fiction) When a normally sympathetic and/or intelligent character is derailed with bad writing by an author and/or creator erasing previously established positive development exaggerating their worst flaws (flanderdization), and/or by making them behave in out of character (OOC) ways that make them come across as unsympathetic and stupid out of nowhere for the sake of creating cheap shock value, forcing a character into the villain role with no organic lead up, retreading previously established character development by undoing it of nowhere to do it all over again, and/or in order for the creator/author to prop up another character and/or ship they unfairly favor as “good” and/or “redeemed” without having to actually put in any sort of effort to develop their favorites in to people who are actually behaving in ways that make them worthy of redemption by attempting to emotionally manipulate the audience to forget about the bad ways in which their favorites have behaved and/or the bad things their favorite character has done by deliberately pulling a character assassination on other characters and/or ships to make them seem just as bad, if not worse, in comparison to their favorites.
1. Who wrote these lies about me in this article? I’m not the horrible person they are making me out to be here! This is character assassination!

2. Emma Swan from Once Upon A Time was such a badass, intelligent, kindhearted, and selfless young woman. Then, she got set up with Hook, and became a mean-spirited, violent, and selfish sidekick to him on her own show. What horrible character assassination!
by AliceKettle February 1, 2021
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A game created by a student from Salem high school in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

The game consists of a group of high school seniors ONLY, who are all assigned targets anonymously. The point of the game is for an assassin to eliminate their target with a small water gun before each round ends, which is 7 days. They MUST submit a video of the elimination to the senior assassin instagram page for their targets elimination to count.

The game can be changed each round with new challenges, such as if an assassin eliminates their target in a specific amount of time, then they can informed on who their assigned assassin is for that round.

In the game if you’re wearing goggles on your face, or floaties on your arm then those are considered shields.

Assassins cannot elimainate their target while on a shift at work, in school, or on school property, OR during any school events (such as prom, or before prom).
Girl: Hey, have you signed up for senior assassin?
Boy: Yeah’! It’s so fun watching the eliminations on their Instagram!

Girl: I know!!! I’m about to go elimate my target before they have work. A
by Anon0143 June 1, 2018
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A description for one who has superior intellect and utilizes their abilities to outwit any opponent in a competition.
In January 2000, W.W.E. professional wrestler, Triple H, (Hunter Hearst Helmsley) had dubbed himself "The Cerebral Assassin", which implied that he was simply smarter than the other wrestlers.
by Gaijin-Ronin September 5, 2006
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This is someone who sneaks up from behind and takes you.
Guy 1:Jeez i got done by an asshole assassin last night
Guy 2:Yeah i know whats that callum like
by Flirty qwerty March 10, 2007
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Assassin's Creed is a video game in development by Ubisoft. First shown as Project Assassin at Microsoft's X05 event, at the E3 2006 trade show, it was officially announced for the PS3, to be released in 2007 using the name Assassin's Creed. Later on, Ubisoft also announced that the game was coming to the PC and Xbox 360. The game is being developed by many of the same people who helped make Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, and began production as soon as the latter was completed. The game is highly focused on crowds and parkour, which will be one of the main means of transportation while in towns.
"Have you played Assassins Creed yet?"
"Wait how? It's not out yet. -_-"
*assassinates the kid who just asked how*
by Tom Joey October 2, 2006
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A person with an appearance or attitude that kills an erection quickly and efficiently, without impunity.
"My ex-girlfriend used to be pretty hot back in high school, but now she's a boner assassin."
by GARY LOVES THE BACON May 13, 2004
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1.When one Assassinate's one's self.
2. The act or action of performing an Assassination on one's own self.
3. A more classier word for Suicide.
Guy 1: It tough to hear Jimmy committed suicide.
Guy 2: Think of it as an assassination.
Guy 1: What?
Guy 2: Jimmy assassinated himself.
Guy 1: Ahh so he committed a Self Assassination.
by CoUnMe April 22, 2010
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