1. A conjugal visit for convicted bear assassins.

2. Batwoman's slave.

3. An excruciating technique used by older men to help widen the eye of the penis in which a metal rod is inserted into the urethra on a regular basis.
Dude 1: Wanna hang out tonight dude?
Dude 2: I can't dude, i gotta go candice my prison bitch.

Dude 1: Dude, why doesn't Batwoman clean around the Batcave?
Dude 2: Why would she? She's got a candice.

Dude 1: Dude, i totally just did a candice on my penis. The hole is like an inch wider.
Dude 2: Dude, why do i hang out with you?
by The_Cox November 6, 2009
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Don't ask who's Candice
Joe: Candice died today
Holy Chungus : who's Candice ?
by Depressed_Doggo June 2, 2021
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"In her practice, she is moving on the unfixed, loose beam. Both in the premonition and afterwards, Candice falls to her death with her spine being damaged. In the premonition, she falls and is impaled through the spine. In her practice, she falls on the ground, breaking her spine."

From Final Destination. After Candice is seen CLEARLY dead on the ground, some girl in the gym says, "CANDICE???" sounding like she was asking Candice if she was okay.
if you see someone brutally killed in a movie/tv show, you can be like "CANDICE?!" and act like the girl in the gym.

when you see a family guy character fall to the ground, with their hands behind their back, you could say "CANDICE?!"
by Jupiachi June 11, 2021
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a girl who enjoys gold digging and playing men to get to the goods
john : i dated this chick.. all she wanted was sex.
chad: major candice, bro. major. you want some soft pretzel?
by teddieee July 14, 2006
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