to royally screw over a friend in a business transaction

to royally screw over anything in general
After my friend, Joe, and I start a successful marijuana dispensary franchise, I am going to Mark Zuckerberg his ass.

You can't Zuckerberg a Zuckerberger.

This weather has been Mark Zuckerberg'ed.
by dr man heguy February 22, 2011
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The man who created Facebook. This man and his associates and employees took info of users and he was exposed in 2018.
Personal info: *exists*

Mark Zuckerberg: Its free real estate!
by MOIST_SOCKS1104 April 23, 2018
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A man that made billions being Jewish and creating facebook. It is widely known that he took all the money he had and stores it in his anus.
"Oh man I just won the lottery! Better Mark Zuckerberg this money before someone sees it.
by loumagoo December 15, 2010
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A mix between Julian Assange and Mark Zuckerberg. Mainly used to describe a man with a bad haircut, eats macs once every 3 days and makes his team members go to the laboratory to conduct experiments.
Fuck! Julian Zuckerberg made us go lab again!
by lolerlking September 20, 2018
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Drinking alcohol and programming.

In reference to the movie 'The Social Network' where Mark Zuckerberg gets increasingly drunker and develops 'FaceMash', the spiritual predecessor to
Why did I think that pulling a zuckerberg would actually result in good code?
by wheezyburke July 14, 2011
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A Retarded Large Tall Lizard Man That Drinks Too Much Water In His Meetings
Mark Zuckerberg is a lizard!
by Your Boi The Smart One November 7, 2018
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