1. n. short for kayak, which is an extremely cheap chewing tobacco.

2. n. term used for anything that is cheap and highly enjoyable.
Nash - Hey man, can I get a yak from you?

Sterk - Sorry bro, I just took my last one.

Nash - It's all good, I'll just go pick up another can at the smoke shop. It's only .69 cents.
by camron5 October 15, 2008
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Brad Hanpeter
by The Yak February 14, 2003
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A female, bitch, ho, whore, slut, yampie, whathaveyou.
Man, fuck that yak for drinkin my last beer nigga. I gotsta beat that yak's ass.
by Stixx April 5, 2005
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The average plane from Command & Conquer Red Alert that you use to blow up barrels conveniently surrounding the enemy bases leading to their total and complete destruction. Epic.
by Mr. Yak January 9, 2010
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To hit someone with great force.
Dude, Dickie like totally Yakked on Novin. Lets go Yak both of their asses.
by b-fizzle June 1, 2006
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AN AnIMAL...............that is cool ............
RETARDS... u THOUGHT IT WAS A PENIS............its a animal and its from ren and stimpy.....I LOVE THAT SHOW
by ME AGAIN!! July 16, 2004
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fantasizing about grammer whilst masturbating. Also known as yakking.
Oh my god yes, yes yes.. full stop full stop... comma yes.....oh - apostrophe...

"See that guy over there - he really dig's his comma's- a real yakker - he's the biggest yaksha you will ever meet."
by antiyak July 23, 2005
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