xander is a cunt with no scholarships
by bruhrtie August 17, 2020
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A beautiful girl who is amazing and she is a very good kisser
Dude Xander has the best tongue ever
by Theman🤪 February 10, 2019
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that boy is dark like xander
by youra February 24, 2020
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He is hot and very nice he talks a lot never be mean unless you be mean to him
Omg have you seen Xander he so nice and cute
by XxpowertakerxX December 1, 2018
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The name Xander originates from the word Alexander which means very large penis, usually measuring up to 12 inches
“By the size of that bulge in your pants your probably have a Xander”
by Bigpeter102 March 13, 2018
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a religion in belief of 6 gods. God is the leader. The Virgin Mary is the goddess of children and women hood. Mother nature, goddess of the earth, sky, and fire. Jesus Fish, god of the sea. Frodo, god of the forset. And Andrew Carnegie, god of the economy and politics. There you go Greg.
by billybob1234512345 November 10, 2010
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