Its what happens when a black male and white trash female reproduce. Hence the offspring is white and black.
Do you see Jamal and Kandy's kid over there? He is totally whack!
by pimpwithapistol May 1, 2008
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Variant of wacked and synonymous with words like fucked, banged, shafted, jerked, screwed, put out and so forth; therein conveying a sense of sexual exploitation, prior to being utterly devestated, or "done in" with a show of violent, sadistic rage that renders the object to an inebriated state that is nasty and/or sordid.
In the James Bond/ 007 novels and movies, its often seems like Bond is going to be whacked by his vixen henchwomen, such as "May Day" (A View to a Kill) and "Pussy Galore" (Goldfinger); but, somehow his fate is turned and the evil women learn to respect and adore him, thus giving him his escape to victory.
by Z Last Words October 3, 2009
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irish slang for fucking shagging banging etc
i was whackin' the box off her all night
by womoma April 18, 2005
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When you or someone else gets far too excited about something which has happened.
*Guy Pulls A Headshot On A Game Online* " Whack Whack! "

Girl: We don't need to go to college today, we have no lesson plan.
Guy: Ahhhh, Whack Whack!
by Dameon Skum March 7, 2009
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'Whack' is actually a verb that can replace absolutely any other.
i'm gonna whack myself out of here
whack yourself over here
whack me a call later/ whack me a cigarette/ whack yo momma on my face etc
by Paul the Badger December 9, 2003
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The hockey match was whack
That food tasted whack
That place was so whack
by quinn_allman_iz_belta November 1, 2005
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A word used to describe something weird or messed up
That video we watched in school the other day was whacked
by Obito uchiha November 28, 2017
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