An beverage invented by the Ancient Egyptians 7000 B.C. It is a common misconception that Beer was first invented by the Sumarians. In fact the Egyptians began brewing beer 1000 years before the Sumarians
S: The Sumerians invented beer
C: Actually, it was the Egyptians in 7000 B.C.
by Christophercolumbus February 2, 2006
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Substance to sustain activity, fuel for life.
I need beer to survive.
by Snap, Crackle, and Pop November 12, 2007
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1)true holy water
2)fermented shit dat taste good
3)the best kind of drug
by Beezelbub September 13, 2003
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A potion created by the devil and consumed by man. Causes a misconstrued perception of reality and loss of short term memory. Also, makes that 300 pound fat bitch in the corner with hairy pits look like a good idea.
Devil: Want a beer, and a 300 pound fat bitch with hairy pits?

Man: Why yes, yes I do!
by bdawg25 November 5, 2010
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beer its liquid bread its good 4 u
im gonna drink till i speww ewwwww
by lilly June 14, 2004
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A miracle drink that makes ugly women look like super models, and when you sleep with them makes you forget about it.
Guy1: WOW! She is hot!
Guy2: Man, no more beer for you.
by Adrian Skertchly May 3, 2005
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