A person that bares ginger hair and is an extremley lazy, smelly and tinkerish type so to speak. Someone who has no motivation, a poor outlook on life, doesn't apply themselves.
Look mate, you stink, sort your life out and have a wash once in a while ya tinky ding ding.
by foncusion July 5, 2008
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It's the ending of the 90's children's show Teletubbies

Referring to the ending of a day with someone you spend the whole day with
A: Wow what a day, I think you should do this again sometime ..
B:yeah we should

A:alright then see you later

B: Bye bye tinky winky
A:bye bye
by Bssmaa September 13, 2017
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the act of pushing your arm up someones or (your own) doup, reeming it so far up the jobby canal that your whole forearm becomes immersed in the fecal flume, caked in there (or your) very own bum mustard leaving you with what looks like sun tan from being out in the sun for too long wearing a t-shirt known as "tinky tan"

Aww for fuck sake!.. I was really wanting a tan today but look its pissin it down!.. RITE!, FUCK IT!. Here min, bend over... WHY?.. because am away to reem your poopchute to give masel fake bake.. why get baked when I can get CAKED!"
by ShadeMade aka G-Funk December 1, 2011
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Tinky-Winky La La derived from the Teli-Tubi language. This translates into English as (in a high pitched voice) “I am humping a large whale suckas
I Tinky-Winky La La-ed last night bros.
by Claire March 11, 2005
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it’s that teletubbies remix on tiktok
girl: can i sing for you?
boy: yea sure
boy: OMG
boy: you’re amazing
boy: i love you
girl: IT’S A SOLO
by pem from ssp June 16, 2020
An insult for Some one who only eats the cream out of the middle of a Twinkie
That turtle swallowing bitch Brandon eats tinkies
by papi mason April 14, 2021
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Hot mechanic, works very hard, looks very attractive, loves tools and getting dirty, is also the manliest man there is.
hes so strong, hes such a tinkie
by QLT Mascot September 13, 2023
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