A man that happens to be a complete douche.
'Jeremy quit being such a Todd.'

'Have you ever known a man that's nae is Todd and he hasn't been a douche?'

'Point proven.'
by Tasha<3 July 11, 2011
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A Fuckboy. Todd is the type of guy who does shit that generally pisses the population of the earth off all the time. He will also lead girls on just for hookups, says hes really into you but doesn't want to deal with all the "relationship bullshit" just to fuck you. He thinks about himself and only himself all the time but pretends to be really nice. He also does really fucked up shit and then complains about people who do the same old shit as him. once a fuckboy always a fuckboy, because fuck boys ganna be fuckboys.
Todd, a.k.a fuck boy, can be anybody that pisses you off, example "me: dude that kid really just punch a whole in your wall for no reason?

friend: yea told the kid the party was over but he wouldn't listen and punched the wall.

me: what a fucking fuckboy."
by _BS_ January 7, 2015
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Believed to have it's origins on the Tarquinas server of the Star Wars Galaxies online computer game, is an insult used torwards a female player character in a game that is actually controlled by a real life male.
That wookie over there, Stacy, is a Todd.
by Wallbanger May 20, 2006
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Todd, a simple name of Middle English origin meaning "Fox".

Everyone knows the name "Todd". For some reason, Todds are always some kind of white guy with typically black (or brown) hair. Todd is a common name, however, there are not many famous Todds out there. The reason for this is because Todds, are, well.. dull. The name itself is boring, and most Todds you'll meet act like side characters. In fact, whenever a show wants to make a stereotypical mundane "white guy" Todd is a common choice for a name. If you are a Todd reading this, please do something else other than looking up your name online. If you took offense to this, then it proves my point.
Person 1: "Todd just posted a new cat picture, how cute!"
Person 2: "Todd? Who's that?"
Person 1: "Don't you remember Todd from high school? I think there were three of them, actually."
Person 2: "Oh! Sorry. I guess he just slipped out of my memory."
by Smakeu August 1, 2021
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A TODD Aussie slang for a nip of your favourite Spirit ,
throw a couple of Double TODDS in your coke and get this party going !
by stains murray April 12, 2019
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Todd is so gay he likes cock in his ass and mouth he suck on bbcs
That "Todd" is so gross
by Noalr September 8, 2021
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"toad" but its todd instead
pronounced t-ah-d
by yeet8312097 March 11, 2020
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