"Lickety split", meaning fast or quickly, apparently arose in the 1830s and 1840s. The origin of the expression isn't totally clear. Similar to stat.
Grandma just slipped on a bananna peel so I have to get her to the hospital lickety split!
by Tom Connelly September 8, 2006
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When a chick wearing a g-string or thong shits herself, splitting the log neatly lengthwise.
That chick at the club last night was so drunk she dropped a split log.
by Xeonith August 7, 2014
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1.) n. Jargon for an almost instant moment of time that often is used to describe a situation that won't take a lengthy amount of time.

2.) adj. Very rapid or accurate.
1.) I'll be downstairs in a split second.

2.) In a split second, Maverick was hit by a car and was killed.
by The White Phantom June 14, 2011
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A type of weightlifting routine performed by uninformed bros. It consists of separate days for separate body parts. The focus is typically on biceps and chest because those are the only muscles that matter to bros. A typical bro split might consist of Monday (Back/Biceps), Tuesday (Chest/Triceps), Thursday (Shoulders), Friday (Legs (often skipped by bros)). The bros often just do a machine circuit not really having any clue as to what or how they are training. Good form is often hard to find.
Going back to the University gym after the holidays is going to suck with all the frat guys doing terrible bro splits for their new year's resolution, but it should die down after Martin Luther King Day.
by sakau2007 December 27, 2013
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Anal sex with a male or female with an exceptionally tight bung hole or anus that results in an external tear of the oring skin around the top, bottom or both of the sphincter.
Stan: Hey Roger. Where did you go last night after the bar?
Roger: Drove the trail to find a prostitute.
Stan: And?
Roger: Picked up a nasty crack ho. For $10 I worked her up good. Pretty sure I gave her a Split Seam.
Stan: How do you know?
Roger: She squealed like pig and could barely walk back to the street corner.
by Eaton Holgoode March 23, 2015
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A mishearing of the term spit-roast, which refers to both a method of cooking food (on a spit), and a sexual position where a woman or a man is penetrated orally and vaginally/anally, reminiscent of the cooking method.
I'm going to split-roast a pig and then your mother.
by jcvamp December 14, 2019
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An awsome nickname for the gas station Kum & Go. Also known as Ejaculate & Evacuate.
-Dude, lets go to Jizz & Split...I need to get some gas.

-No man, it's called Ejaculate & Evacuate.
by Lelegirll March 15, 2009
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