"I need to score soon or I'm gonna be hurting."

etc.. ;)
by your mom on a stick February 17, 2009
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as a verb "to give." Most often used for cigarettes or small amounts of money
Score me a smoke, dude!
Score me a buck, & I'll get it back to you tomorrow!

Response: I'm kinda short right now; get your own, loser!
by cyberpope67,BC,Canada November 29, 2007
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Southern California Off Road Enthusiasts; the sanctioning body of the famed Baja 1000 off road race from Ensenada to La Paz...
by Andrew G G January 23, 2007
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Nouns: A skank/whore. (Origin: Drunken combination of the two words.)
Verb: To be a skank/whore, thus getting some (scoring).
Talia's a score. That's why she has herpes.
by pippylongstocking March 27, 2005
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Dude, I am too scored right now. The vodka just hit hard bro.
by hardcoreblonde November 7, 2020
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The amount of punches you get to hit a person when calling out "Slug Bug"
"Slug Bug"...*Thwaaaack*..."Scoooore"
by Jady a.k.a Queen Bitch February 10, 2004
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you know that really hot guy that i met at the bar last night.. after talking to him for a bit, i knew i had him seduced so i took him to back my place and scored.
by rainyeternity November 1, 2005
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