"Where's Jane?"
"I dunno...hotdog safari?"
by dirty t July 19, 2004
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While driving in your car, hunting down attractive young teenagers. It is acceptable to yell "TWEEN" as you drive by, as loud as possible, if said tween is indeed hot. Or unusually goobery looking.
"Dude, wanna play Tween Safari?"

"I saw so many hot tweens while playing Tween Safari today."
by Hot4Tweens December 26, 2009
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When you go on a spree of 'liking' a wide variety of pages on Facebook when you are bored.
I was really bored at work yesterday and i went on a Like Safari, and i 'liked' pages like 'Ass' and 'Sneaking a Toke at Work'
by dndn95 April 22, 2011
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A sport developed in Manchester, UK by punk band Revenge of the Psychotronic Man.
The sport involves identifying an emo kid and stroking their fringe in a mocking manner.
Stroking an emo fringe as part of an emo safari.
by Andy666 August 14, 2006
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"Atari Safari" is an addendum to the Palma Sutra, the ancient vedic discourse on self-pleasure. An Atari Safari is when you climb inside an arcade-size video game and replace the joystick with your own and hope that the next player gets the high score.

Roger thought he was just playing Burgertime, but he was really on an Atari Safari.
by boat butter March 11, 2009
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When an interracial same sex couple or other group of similarly hated demographics, takes a trip into Trumpland portions of the country to gaze in wonder at the slack-jawed Trumpanzees in their natural habitats of country-western bars and trailerpark homes.
David and Andrew took a Cleetus Safari to rural Alabama. The pictures of trailerparks are hilarious!
by Ragle December 30, 2017
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When a senior in college scouts out the “wildlife” (freshmen, sophomores) by seeking to engage in sexual activity with them
Jonah: “Rachel thinks I act too much like a freshman
Matthew: “Maybe Rachel wants to go on a senior safari
by mstrain69420 September 6, 2022
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