A light hearted prank where a tampon is dipped in water and hurled out the window of a vehicle by the string with the intent to hit a sign, building, or another car.
We spent last night pooning. Imature as hell, but it's so damn funny to see them splat.
by JohnnieB January 6, 2006
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A word to describe somebody who is extremely ridiculous. It can also describe people who are completely out of control.
He is such a Poon.
(Which means he is ridiculous or out of control or both)
by Foooo September 30, 2004
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A Vagina (explicit)
A female's private part (clean version)
Speaker 1: "Bro did you hear Will totally got that poon at Clemson Ponniversity last night!"
Speaker 2: "My boy Will, what a poon master"
by CamWamFam December 12, 2018
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To be unable to be away from the vagina of a significant other for longer than 15 minutes at a time
AKA P-whipped
She's got Kevin so pooned...it's sick.

He couldn't go on the fishing trip because he came down with a bad case of being pooned
by Hiz-ouse December 13, 2003
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When a group of eccentric, effeminate or gay men gather while wearing the tiniest pair of athletic shorts they can find, it is known as a Poon-Poon Party.

Sometimes a second undergarment is required to hold the fruit basket in place so the banana and berries don't fall out- especially because there is often a lot of stretching, kicking, and spontaneous dance numbers at a Poon-Poon Party.

Often knee high socks will be worn at these parties as well, but the main point is to wear the smallest tightest pair of shorts possible.

Women can also have a Poon-Poon Party- but usually they are simply in attendance of one purely by accident as these often occur randomly after a few drinks in groups of gay men.

Poon-Poon Parties are also not confined to any particular class as they have been known to take place in the finest homes of West Hollywood, as well as in the lower middle-class suburbs of Raleigh, North Carolina.
1) The boys are having a spontaneous Poon-Poon Party right now and if I am not there in five minutes I will just die!

2) Did you see that youtube video from the Poon-Poon party? Wow those boys have great extension!

3) Wow, Those Marys only had two glasses of wine and it has already turned into a Poon-Poon Party! Let's go get our shorts!

4) I didn't know he could kick his own face till I saw him at the Poon-Poon Party-- and his backbend was amazing!
by Lameshademcgee March 26, 2009
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A Mockery of Jamaican Slang

Your Mamas Poonani in short form

STFU you Mama Poon Poon
by Evan And Daniel September 6, 2007
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Noun. Synonym for "girls"

can also be used as a verb:
v. I'm gonna poons it tonight with Kathryn

n. Where the poons at?
by nuglifee April 16, 2010
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