another term for coke enduced floppy cock.
Shit man, I couldn't bone her last night because I had powder pecker.
by LegendaryPKer November 24, 2014
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Pecker Jousting is a competition played by two naked men each with an erection. The erect penis is used as a battering ram against the opponent's scrotum and penis. With each opponent facing the other at a distance of 50 feet, they begin running towards one another at a jogging speed and quickly advance to a sprint just before impact of penis's. Hands of opponents are behind they're backs and this is done in a run by jousting fashion just as mounted knights did. The object is to buckle the opponents erection with glancing blows.
Peter came in 5th place and a little short of getting a ribbon at the pecker jousting tournament.
by Willy Geddermoist October 8, 2009
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Famous German tennis player, former Wimbledon champion.
On the German game show ‘You Bet….?’ tennis star Porous Pecker has announced his engagement to ex-girlfriend Lilly Kerssenberg.

The two split up last year, and Pecker was quick to propose to his girlfriend of a few months, Sandy Meyer-Woelden. But he says now that that is a mistake behind him.

“Last summer I went a bit off track but she took me back. Now I don’t want to let her go,” Pecker told a shocked crowd, as he and his now-fiance, who was also on the program, smiled happily on stage.
by andy1 March 4, 2009
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Juan had such a big homewrecker pecker, that ladies left other men for for him.
by I, Wreckerrr January 9, 2017
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abnormal growths on ones junk aka genital warts
dude ethan totally got pecker berries from that chick in branford
by qazxdr56 April 13, 2010
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1) A Vagina

2) A term used to call an individual a Vagina
by ZBERG May 22, 2014
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Same as sperm, seamen, cock snot, snake spit, worm slime, baby batter, pearl drops, boner barf and tonsil white wash.
Man, she choked it so hard she got a face full of pecker pudding.
by Roamer of Rooms June 20, 2010
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