a guy who wants to get in your pants. he also is very annoying and will do anything to get his dick in a girl. he's very awkward but has a loving nature. His main goal in life is to get sex everywhere with everyone
girl1- Did you hear about Nate?
girl2-yeah, why?
girl1- i slept with him and it was amazing
girl2- oh no you didn't he's all mine. Nate is mine
Nate- Sorry (girl 1) i gave the best sex to girl #2000
by jellloooyyyy April 26, 2011
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A dude who seems respectful towards women but is also very shy with them, sometimes there will be one specific female that finds him irritating but just because her best friend like talking to him a lot, but she doesn't let that stop her from speaking to him cause shes a nice bitch.
Bestfriend: Oh look theres nate

The specific female: Ok i don't care
by Mmmm Chicken March 5, 2018
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Nateli is someone who seeks the best within people, smart, yet not so brilliant. She has short hair brown eyes and a big family , makes a great friend and very quiet . Everything you look for in a friend or girlfriend is a nateli
I should get me a nateli

Other: Nateli's are the best!!
by Truefact. March 15, 2017
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usually a pervert who only thinks about girls. often asks out girls, but gets rejected most every time he does. thinks he is cool but he really is not.
jimmy: hey have you seen nate?

bob: yeah he went to ask out that chick again.

jimmy: shes never gonna say yes.

bob: i know, but i dont want to break it to him it wont do any good!
by potatopeet9001 August 23, 2013
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Smart, good person who loves beign with girls and having the time of his life without smiling. Insulting, funny uy who can't be resisted. Has all em hot babes after him
Jess: Hey do you know that Nate kid?
Ab: Yeahh he's real funny and so good
by ajngik October 28, 2011
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The MOST INCREDIBLE guy you will ever meet. He's really sweet and if you're lucky enough to be friends with him, don't ever ever let him go. He's great at making you happy, and he's really good at giving cuddles too :) If you give him your heart, he will treat it as if it's made of glass. If he loves you, he'll tell you over and over again. He's just the most amazing person in the whole entire world <3
Person 1: Nate's my friend now!
Person 2: Wow! You're so lucky!
by 654467894 February 27, 2022
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A Nate is not a person who jerks off during school as you may see above or below. He is a heartwarming person. He finds himself very attractive to ugly people but what can he do, he is a magnet! He is a gamer, and he loves doing crazy shit with fireworks
"Woah you see that kid? He has a PS4 Controller and Snappers! He must be a Nate"
by KiD NetH January 19, 2016
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