A Harrison is a careless sod that does not bloody know what he’s saying . Poor kid thinks being mean is the way to popular . Most likely a cunt and is an ignorant lad that does not take anything for answer other than what he thinks .
“Harrison? Oh yeah, he’s a nuisance he never shuts up about what he thinks is , ‘funny’ , yikes
by Candle waxx November 15, 2019
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Not remembering a thing from the previous night and being told that you got carried out over the shoulder of one of the establishments bouncers.
Person A: "Man, you were pretty drunk last night!"

Person B:"Really, It just so happens I don't seem to remember a thing?"

Person A:"Yeah, you totally did a Harrison!"
by rbai91 April 3, 2011
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The type of guy that always wants attention and will go to extreme lengths to get it. Some people see him as romantic and a funny sort of guy but many do not. He tends the not have the best of luck with girls and it means he ends up swooping low and trying to get with them way under his age. He can have mixed emotions and opinions about people and doesn't really talk to many people, which means the the friends he has tend to be close to him. That is what a Harrison is like!
"Hey, have you seen that attention seeking guy over there?" "He is so a Harrison!"
by Sneakyguy27467 September 1, 2019
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Verb. To harrison

The act of using baby-cute charm to make a female's underwear come off, only to become disgusted with that female and to never speak to her again.
by big tee hee March 13, 2010
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