What you call a fat chinese person. (Im not racist, I just couldnt resist)
hey! look at that pie! its chunky! like a fat chinese person!
by Zork June 2, 2007
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Verb. to charge, to write a ticket

Law enforcement slang for writing a ticket or laying a charge. Often used in Ontario.
“I chunked that guy, he failed the asshole test.”
by Averagebeer July 17, 2020
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The self-proclaimed LeBron of Destiny. This simp is especially susceptible to cucking by Chris Hansen. To be a Chunk takes great dedication, where you have to actively keep up an obnoxious appearance and be homeless at the same time.
by PrincessTa June 18, 2023
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What dumb Texans say when they actually mean chuck.
I can chunk a football over those mountains.
by Texas_slang June 8, 2022
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To agree with someone's opinion, decision, etc.
Me: I love the new kush i just copped from the plug.
Her: Chunk ! I cant even feel my face.
by KP Chunk March 21, 2018
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