it's another form of saying cool/sound/great

usually used by kids from de hood or packs of teenagers
Do u like my nike dunks ?
-Now dey are mint
by kp:P June 1, 2009
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damn son, that cd is newer than mint
by dontfux July 21, 2005
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A word used in Northan England, meaning rather good. The word tends to be used by a scally but is also used when taking the piss.
1. I love doing nothing with my life, it is mint.
by .snow March 10, 2004
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this game we are playing is minted
by Sam February 28, 2005
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A urinal sanitizer, usually shaped like a giant, colored Altoid.
I like to pee on the mint in the urinal.
by dhfbednchfb February 19, 2010
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To be die by a mint, mint flavoured item.
Person A: Did you hear about Tim?

Person B: No, what happened?

Person A: He tried to eat an entire pack of polo's in one and died.

Person B: Ah man, what a minted bitch.
by mintman574 March 19, 2010
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